大阪地裁「生活保護減額は違法」Welfare benefit cuts in Japan
Yesterday, February 22rd 2021(Coincidentally, it is the 70th anniversary of the Gyoseishsohi Laywer ), Osaka District Court ordered the cancellation of welfare benefit cuts from 2013 to 2015.
Honestly, I was astonished and impressed by the judgment because it was the first case the judge ruled in favor of welfare recipients in a series of lawsuits on the issue filed at 29 district courts across Japan.
The Japanese government have cut the amount of so called ‘livelihood assistance’ under the welfare benefits which covers food, water, electricity, gas or other expenses by an average of 6.5% and as much as 10% in some cases on mainly the grounds of price plunges.
Having Sukiyaki Nabe with my kid and clients at our Gyoseishoshi Lawyer’s Office. Japanese domestic meat and vegetable are quite expensive, but I want my boy to have safer food and this wish is of most parents’ I think.
The total amount of reductions reached as much as 67 billion yen and local governments also altered the amount of their benefit payments based on the criteria updated by the state.
Lawyers for the group of 42 plaintiffs including welfare recipients in Osaka Prefecture have been insisting that the cuts in the benefits violated the Japanese Constitution which guarantees all Japanese people the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.
Mr. Morigaki, the Presiding Judge concluded that the welfare benefit cuts went beyond the range of government discretionary power so they violated provisions of the public assistance law and he didn’t declare them unconstitutional.
In handling down the ruling, the judge said that there WERE mistakes and deficiencies in the national government’s judgement process and in procedures to revise the welfare benefit criteria to reduce the amounts on the grounds of falling prices.
I, as a female Gyoseishoshi Lawyer in Japan and also a single mom with 11 years boy have been expressing concerns on my blog these benefit cuts threaten the minimum social protection for the poor particularly those with disabilities, older people, single parents and their children living in poverty.
This blog I wrote about 2 years ago is written only in Japanese but I noted about some problems of taxation in Japan.
(Consumption Tax Raise and Welfare Benefit Cuts)