Japanese gender equality and Public Assistance 日本における男女格差と生活保護
I am a Japanese woman and a Gyoseishoshi Lawyer.
As I am not ‘those women’ who are able to speak at a length that meets men’s standards for brevity (according to the former president of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee Mr. Mori’s words in Japanese, ‘as I am not わきまえた女性’), I was shocked by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s remark on Jan.27th, “In the end, the government has the welfare system.
I , as a certified expert authorized to prepare documents to be submitted to a public agency Gyoseishoshi Lawyer will explain briefly about Japanese welfare system as it is not well understood even among Japanese residents.
Japan guarantees a minimum standard of living as well as to promote self-support for all citizens who are living in poverty by providing the necessary public assistance according to the level of poverty, and it is based on the principles prescribed in Article 25 of the Constitution of Japan.
Me at Arashiyama in Kyoto, Japan with Spring cherry blossom (as it is the middle of April 2018, so not in full bloom)
Here is Constitution of Japan, the Article 25.
All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.
In all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavors for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health.
All citizens may receive public assistance under Public Assistance Act in a nondiscriminatory and equal manner as long as they satisfy the requirements prescribed by the Act.
However, the reality is that 80% of people who are eligible for this welfare system actually are not receiving it.
Article 7 of the Public Assistance Act states that the provision of public assistance shall start based on an application filed by a person requiring public assistance or relatives and as a Gyoseishoshi Lawyer, I have written countless of this application form for my clients and unfortunately some of my clients lost their precious lives during examination by government office by suicide.
You may wonder why people in poverty rely on me Gyoseishoshi Lawyer even though this national qualification allows me to act as an adviser in order for clients to manage, proceed with and complete administrative procedures and also the follow-up in a wide range of fields.
Before I become Gyoseishoshi Lawyer by passing the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer examination and obtain registration, I myself was once in poverty as a young not- married single mother.
I had no family or anyone who could provide support to caring for my baby, so I was working from early morning till late at night in Tokyo as a sales person in a big company (Recruit Co., Ltd.) and even though salary was quite enough.
One day my little girl got injured at the unlicensed nursery school, I couldn’t blame teachers as they are taking care of my girl 12 hours everyday but blamed myself and changed job with low salary but allows me to go home earlier.
The real-estate company was a good company and I was happy to be able to spend longer time with my daughter, but the peaceful time didn’t last long. I was followed and attacked by male stranger and had to quit job in order to reside at the Domestic Violence Shelter in Tokyo. I wasn’t allowed to go to work from there nor even tell where I am staying in order to prevent other residents of the shelter so I had no choice but lose my job.
I am now sure that it is the role of politics to improve this state of affairs, but I was at a totally loss when I was told by staff members of the shelter that I had to leave there with my daughter with no money, no job, nowhere to go after 30 days maximum period of stay at that shelter.
Filipino single mother of beautiful three girls I met at the shelter told me that I should be protected by welfare system as she had been providing about 20 million yen per a month from Japanese government, but the administrative office told me that I shouldn’t apply for welfare because of my parents’ jobs even though I went to high school and university by scholarship and wasn’t paid anything from my family after graduating from junior high school.
The thought “I want to die” came up in my mind many times but I couldn’t because I was afraid of death and also my daughter’s smile and kindness from many people (but strangers) around helped me a lot to survive and I studied hard as working and became Gyoseishoshi Lawyer because I wanted to do such job that my daughter may feel proud of her mother.
This is my grown-up daughter, the most precious person in this world for her mother.
According to Article 1 of the Public Assistance Act, one of its purposes is “to promote self-support”, but it’s been turned into “the final safety net”.
The prime minister used the word “in the end the government has the welfare system” which is quite insensitive I thought, as there are many people who live life to utmost on welfare and my female client e-mailed me that she cried because she thought the government won’t help her family until the very end.
Yoshihiro Mori who resigned the president of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee implied that women talk too much and yes, I speak a lot and aloud sometimes for my client’s right at a public agency, in such case when administrative office insists that they will make inquiries to family and my client doesn’t wish that to happen.
Japan stands 121st out of 153 in the World Economic Forum’s gender equality rankings, and I as a female Gyoseishoshi Lawyer do have unforgettable experience of being said sexist comments about woman recently at the committee of Gyoseishoshi Lawyers Association of Osaka.
It seemed as hope for me to know that a clear majority of the Japanese found Mr. Mori’s comments unacceptable and I wish this may have the effect of strengthening the call for greater gender equality and diversity in the halls of power in Japanese society.
We are strong sophisticated Japanese women!!
We are strong sophisticated Japanese women!