臨時特別給付金10万円は生活保護世帯も支給対象(収入認定なし)~Japan is providing a special relief payment of 100,000 yen to lower income households (including people staying on public assistance)~

To address the hardships resulting from the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese government decided to provide a special relief payment of \100,000 to lower income households called hikazei-setai in Japanese.


To receive the payment, it is required to fill out the confirmation that will be mailed to who are eligible for this payment and only a few cities had already sent this mail and most of the municipalities are still preparing for it.


The deadline will depend on when the form will be sent from the municipality, so you should confirm the date on your actual confirmation form.


After submitting the documents either by mail with the return envelope included, or if you are unable to mail it you can bring it in person to your city hall, municipality will then check the confirmation form and transfer the payment to eligible households.


Households that for tax purposes were designated to lower income as of the 2021 tax year (known as hikazei-setai) and who were registered residents in the municipality as of December 10th 2021, are all eligible for this payment including foreign people and people staying on public assistance.


Households that experienced sudden financial difficulties since January 1st 2021 will also be eligible for a different payment by another application form.


Generally, all funds that enter the household of people staying on public assistance will be considered as the household’s income and must be used for living expenses and this is known as authorized income.


However, it is not always considered authorized income, and this special relief payment of \100,000 will be exempt from income authorization.


Winter Nabe Ryori collection of Hitomi Law Office(Gyoseishoshi- jimusho) in 2022


In Japan, there are many available scholarships each year, but students and parents don’t realize so many scholarships exist.


For my son’s three years of private juior high school, I don’t have to pay and it does make a difference as I am a single mother and not very welthy.


臨時特別給付金10万円は生活保護世帯も支給対象(収入認定なし)~Japan is providing a special relief payment of 100,000 yen to lower income households (including people staying on public assistance)~”へ1件のコメント

  1. 福岡県 H.S様 より:



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