生活保護と科学技術 Welfare, Science and Technology
Thanks to the efforts of journalist Yoshiko Miwa, representative of the Poverty, Women, Children and Disability Reference Room RPWCDJ, a member organization of the NGO Network JNNC of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in Japan, Yumi Hara, a staff member of Hitomi Law Office, participated in the 9th Japan Report Deliberations held in Geneva, Switzerland on October 17, 2024 as a member of a JNNC member organization. (Individuals are not allowed to participate directly in JNNC.) )
先の行政書士法人ひとみ綜合法務事務所のブログ(国連女性差別撤廃員会の日本審査、スイスジュネーブへ行ってきました~I went to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the CEDAW on women’s rights issured in Japan https://seiho-navi.net/241020/)には、JNNCの方からも貴重なコメントを頂き、ありがとうございます。
We appreciate the comments from the member of JNNC on the last blog of Hitomi Law Office (I went to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the CEDAW on women’s rights issured in Japan https://seiho-navi.net/241020/) .
We also received this grateful word from Yoshiko Miwa, who visited our last blog.
“Among the people at JNNC, Ms. Hara’s blog post has been well received.
It’s wonderful to have the sensibility to realize that something is wrong, and to be able to express it. I totally agree.
This year’s JNNC was attended by young people in their 20s and early 30s, although there were not many of them. Depending on the organization, the ratio of young people seems to be high. Some people said they wanted to meet with Ms. Hara.
I hope that you will take the opportunity of JNNC’s hospital meetings and study sessions to deepen your relationship with you two, even if it is little by little.”
Following the release of the concluding observations (recommendations) of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in response to the Japan government’s report, a JNNC in-house meeting is scheduled for December 3, at the Diet Building. Unfortunately, it is difficult for administrative scriveners to participate on weekdays in December, so we plan to have staff member Yumi Hara participate this time as well.
Yoshiko Miwa has received Master’s Degree. in physics and was a researcher in the semiconductor industry in the past.
She then earned her Ph.D. in research on social security policymaking and is now a journalist on poverty issues in Japan.
先日、科学ジャーナリスト、出版社、科学者、学術界などが参加する2024年Science Journalism Forumにみわよしこさんがスピーカーとして参加され、行政書士にも貴重な3人の招待枠の1枠を頂きました。
The other day, Yoshiko Miwa participated as a speaker at the 2024 Science Journalism Forum, which will be attended by science journalists, publishers, scientists, and the academic community. I also received one of the three valuable invitation slots for the audience.
How was science adopted in the process of building Japan’s social security system and politics?
She also pointed out the problem of price fraud, which was carried out in the process of revising the social security system in 2013.
Yasuhiko Shirai, a former Chunichi Shimbun reporter who has continued to pursue the investigation after exposing the fact that there was statistical fraud due to price fraud carried out by politicians and bureaucrats in cooperation with politicians and bureaucrats behind the drastic reduction in welfare payments.
“Freelance journalists are loudly complaining that this is a falsification of prices and fraudulent statistics, so why don’t the mainstream media clearly point it out?”
Hikarugenji (Shining Prince) was depicted by Murasaki Shikibu, who is said to have taught a poor woman to read and write. The story of Hiden-in that appears in the story. A fateful meeting at a place where a young politician was visiting to investigate social issues.
Although the amount of benefits was not sufficient, Japan had a system to support the poor for more than a thousand years before the end of World War II.
Research on poverty and relief has been conducted by government agencies since the late 19th century, and discussions have been held to gain a scientific, evidence-based understanding, dispel social prejudice against poverty through science, and embed science in policy.
2024年Science Journalism Forumのみわよしこさんのスピーチに大変感銘を受けて、今回のブログを書くことにしました。
I was so impressed by Yoshiko Miwa’s speech at the 2024 Science Journalism Forum that I decided to write this blog.
“Japan is a country with a strong economy, so why can’t the government eliminate poverty within the country?”
Above was a question from a Committee member of the UN CEDAW to Japanese government last month.
As the last safety net, Japan has a welfare system to protect the minimum standard of living guaranteed by Article 25 of the Constitution.
Established in 1950 after World War II, this system still helps not only many poor people, but also people who have temporarily reached poverty due to unemployment and other reasons.
On the other hand, there are certain people in Japan who are severely impoverished. Why?
The social security system, including welfare, exists to protect the lives of the people.
If the opinions of some people are strongly reflected, fairness cannot be guaranteed.
Therefore, it needs to be objective and relevant.
When a country makes a bill or system, a committee is set up. Since the committee is composed of a small number of members, ranging from 10 to 45 members, it is necessary to ensure objectivity and validity by appointing experts with specialized knowledge so that the minimum standard of living is not influenced by the subjectivity of some people.
This is where knowledge of science and technology, including mathematics, becomes important.
You may wonder when you think of social security and science and technology, but not really.
Japan has a Japan-specific arithmetic called sum.
Sum arithmetic is comparable to current mathematics, such as surveying fields that deal with figures and fields such as statistics.
Social security has existed in Japan for more than 1,000 years, and arithmetic is actually used there as well.
For example, in the Asuka period, the Banda Acquisition Method gives 2 dan (about 23a) to the male of the good people, two-thirds of the bunda to the girls, and 1/3 of the mouth of the good people to the householders and private slaves.
Rice taxes from the harvest in Kubunden are collected by the government as a tax, and the rest is used as food for oneself.
Different areas of the rice fields will affect the amount of harvest, so accurate surveying is necessary, and if the rice tax does not calculate the exact amount of rice fields commensurate with the rice fields, farmers will be dissatisfied.
Not only in order to divide equally, but also if there is a fluctuation in the yield due to bad weather or other reasons, a reasonable rice tax must be calculated from last year’s record.
Since the beginning of agriculture, it has become important to distribute equally, and arithmetic has been indispensable for this.
Mathematics is indispensable for modern social security, and one of the important roles is to objectively understand the situation and prepare materials for formulating improvement measures based on standard deviations and covariances created by fields such as statistics that aim to predict social science.
Calculations, surveys, and records in mathematics are all science and technology.
Unlike in the days when it was a small village society, in modern Japan, with a population of more than 100 million, each person’s data has a different meaning.
For example, when deciding on income, it is important to know which income group to draw the line in.
Can we really say that we are equal by drawing a uniform line in units of 5 million yen? By nature, raw data is biased and not uniform.
Therefore, by finding the standard deviation and making it a normal distribution, it becomes easier to grasp the characteristics of the data. If you take the standard deviation before and after the median of the normal distribution (= the average value of the original data), you can see the part where 75% of the data is gathered, so it is possible to grasp the entire income group based on that.
In addition, since it is almost impossible to calculate a large amount of data one by one, it is essential to calculate using a frequency distribution table.
Since people have multiple pieces of data, the correlation coefficient is also useful for looking at correlations. In addition to statistical perspectives, it is easier to formulate the ideal tax rate by using a mechanism such as the recurrence formula.
The actual calculations may be done by a computer, but a person needs to use mathematics to create a formula.
In other words, we cannot ignore science and technology when considering social security.
Social security exists to protect people’s livelihoods and should not be left to the freedom of some stakeholders.
It is said that in the Nara period, smallpox was prevalent and 1.5 million lives were lost.
Even in the Heian period, when Murasaki Shikibu lived, which became a taiga drama, a plague broke out and many lives were lost.
At that time, there was no cure, and so easy to imagine that the public was at a loss. When it comes to a pandemic, it is easy for those of us who have experienced Corona to imagine that the people will be confused due to lack of control.
In such a case, it is necessary to have the power of those in power to give appropriate instructions and bring the damage under control.
During the Nara period, under the direction of Emperor Shomu, tax exemptions and food were provided, and Kokubunji temples were built in various places.
In the Heian period, more than 60 people were injured by the Fujiwara clan, who was in power, but he ordered the prosecutors to sweep up the bodies left in the town and took measures to prevent the damage from spreading.
The virtue that “it is the duty of the nobility to understand and help those in need” has existed since ancient times, and the aristocracy has taken the initiative to help the people.
The aristocracy has been replaced by modern politicians, but they should also have inherited virtues. Why, then, does poverty persist even today?
Unfortunately, I think one of the reasons for this is that there have been cases where politicians who have lost their virtues have prioritized their own interests.
A striking example of this is the substantial reduction in welfare payments in 2013 due to price fraud. This was brought to light by a report by Mr. Yasuhiko Shirai, and “trials for life” are taking place all over the country.
The CPI, which is equivalent to living assistance, was arbitrarily created and the CPI was created arbitrarily, and prices fell by 4.78% from 104.5% in 2008 →to 99.5% in 2011, and the reduction was forcibly implemented due to the decline in prices.
Looking at the data of the composite index over the past 40 years, the largest decline rate over the past three years was 2.35% in 2008~2011. The composite index with 2010 as 100 was 102.1 in 2008 and 99.7 in 2011. Why is it that only the CPI equivalent to living assistance, which is calculated by the group of items purchased with living assistance expenses, has a decline rate of 4.78% over the past three years?
Were welfare households the only ones in a state of intense deflation? Absolutely not.
The reason why such a distorted value was calculated was that the Laspeyres method and the Pashe method were used to calculate the value that was convenient for the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare at the time. Both the Laspeyres method and the Pashe method are calculation methods that are not familiar to the general public.
In addition, the data on which the calculations are based is not the same as before, but intentionally selected data.
For example, if you can buy something for 1 million yen last year for 980,000 yen this year because prices have fallen by 2%, even if the welfare fee is reduced from 1 million yen to 980,000 yen, it will not put pressure on your real life.
This is the normal “deflationary adjustment.”
Since the good public believes in the “good intentions” of the Japanese government, many people think that there is a reason for the increase or decrease in welfare spending.
However, if the actual price decline is 2.35%, but the amount is reduced due to a 4.78% decline due to price disguising, the recipient will be forced to bear an extra burden. Where did the 2.43% of the difference in welfare payments go?
This kind of price fraud was carried out and carried out in the welfare system to help the poor.
How many people feel a sense of crisis that the unbelievable has actually happened, that such an unbelievable situation has been going on for more than 10 years, and that the rights of the people are being threatened?
The calculation method carried out by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is a special one, so I think it is almost impossible for ordinary people to notice “what is wrong”.
That’s why we need experts, but the person who calculated the price fraud was a brilliant bureaucrat with specialized knowledge, who was supposed to be a well-intentioned person.
If you look at the price fraud of welfare, you can see that even if there is science and technology, it is meaningless if it does not function properly, and it cannot protect the people.
In Japan, Japanese arithmetic is deified, and ema dedicated to shrines still exist throughout the country.
It can be inferred from the literature that the sum arithmetic scholars of that time not only satisfied their own intellectual curiosity, but also conducted research to enrich people’s lives.
To put it simply, mathematics is a well-intentioned discipline. The fact that it is distorted by some stakeholders and does not function properly is an act that tains science and technology, and even makes me angry.
Japan’s welfare system is a system that guarantees a minimum level of cultural life for its citizens on a non-discriminatory and equal basis, and it is something that we can be proud of in the world.
There are many countries in the world where people are not able to go to the hospital even if they are sick or injured because they are responsible for themselves and impose the burden on the individual.
It is also true that the welfare system policy is highly specialized and difficult to understand. Therefore, it may be difficult to understand the contents, but it may be necessary for each and every citizen to question whether it is really the right thing to do, rather than just taking the judgments and explanations of the politics of the time with a grain of salt.
Ideally, we would be able to trust our elected politicians and surrender ourselves, but the reality is otherwise.
Some people give up on the idea that the voice of the people will not be heard even if they go to the elections, and prioritize daily activities other than elections, and the voter turnout in the 50th House of Representatives general election remains as low as ever, around 50%.
Think of the 0.99 and 1.01 rule. 0.99 to the power of 100 makes a big difference to 0.366, and 1.01 to the power of 100 makes a big difference to 2.70.
As an example of continuous learning, 0.99 to the power of 365 is 0.03, and 1.01 to the power of 365 is 37.78, which is a difference of 1260 times. If each and every citizen gives up, the power of the people will be 0.99, 0.98、… and will get smaller and will soon approach 0.
Once it reaches 0, it will not go back.
On the other hand, if each and every citizen is motivated to change the country without giving up, the power of the people will be 1.01 and 1.02、… and become dozens of times larger.
I hope that as many people as possible will have a correct understanding of the welfare system.
From the dining table of the Hitomi Law Office in October of Reiwa 6
Grilled seaweed with salt
Cold shabu
Sweet shrimp and various other things
Chow mein noodles
Fresh spring rolls
Bite dumplings and chicken
Steaming pan
Salad and hamachi radish
Beef bowl
With Egg
Seafood Bowl
Neapolitan Pasta
The last somen in the 6th year of Reiwa
Fried Noodles
Dining table of Hitomi Law Office in November, Reiwa 6
Curry and Rice
Kitsune udon noodles and fried chicken
Grilled seaweed with salt, again!