
I went to the Diet (House of Councillors) to participate in the Japan Report

Deliberation Meeting of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)~

This blog is written by Hara Yumi of Hitomi Law Office, Japan.

On December 3, Reiwa 6, the CEDAW Japan Report Deliberation Report Meeting was held at the Auditorium of the House of Councillors.

The briefing session was co-organized by the Japan NGO Network for CEDAW(JNNC), the Action for the Realization of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (OP-CEDAW Action), and the International Association for the Status of Women (JAIWR). There were a lot of members of parliament who also came.

I left Osaka early in the morning and arrived at Nagatacho Station, which is wide … Or rather, long…

Arrive at the venue! Oh, I can’t find Miwa-san.

The people who were in Switzerland are progressing in the front, so I wonder if Miwa-san is one of them?

There were many reporters.

The debriefing session began with a timeline of explanations from the preparation of the first UN submission report.

Was the brightness for the broadcast in the middle? The lights suddenly turned out or turned into white electricity, it was kind of amazing.

It is said that character interpretation is introduced for the first time during Disability Week.

There are always troubles when trying anything for the first time. Each person’s speaking time is too short and the text interpreter can’t keep up!

I also saw a lot of members of the Diet on the way. The following are the remarks of politicians.

“The Communist Party
The poor response of the Diet that I felt in Geneva resulted in the ruling party losing half of the votes in this election !!.”

“A quarter of a century to consider!
We have an obligation to disseminate the recommendations issued by the United Nations, but they are not!”

“I would like to change the landscape in the new Diet and put out the contents of the recommendations in front of everyone.”

“Politician from the Constitutional Democratic Party
Elective marital surnames will be a top priority.”

“Member of the Social Democratic Party
I just had a plenary session. There was a remark that it was okay because the non-regular workers were all elderly. I’ve skipped over the rebuttals!!”

The politicians seemed to be really busy. They came at the last minute and said I have to leave right away, so I’m going to talk about it now! There were a lot of things like that.

There were a lot of politicians, but I didn’t know if there were any politicians from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

JNNC is a network of NGOs working to promote the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in Japan.

There are 39 member organizations, and 84 people from 22 organizations participated in the meeting at the United Nations European Headquarters in Geneva (← Me, Yumi Hara of Hitomi Law Office is also included here!). One group participated by video.

The fact that an NGO of such a large scale travels all the way to Geneva, Switzerland, to address various issues in Japan and appeals to a UN committee reflects the current situation of discrimination against women that cannot be solved in Japan.

The issue of unclear who should be responsible for the UN recommendations that have been made so far and who is responsible has been highlighted.

The Japan government delegation that came to observe the deliberations on the Japan Report held in Geneva on October 17, 2024, consisted of 34 people from the Gender Equality Bureau, the Children and Family Agency, the Ministry of Justice, the Metropolitan Police Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Permanent Mission of Japan, as well as three interpreters.

In the first 30 minutes, the Government of Japan reported on the progress made since the submission of the Ninth Assessment Report, followed by questions and responses from the members in charge of each article of Articles 1 to 16 of the Convention as a constructive dialogue.

The UN committee members carefully read the NGO reports and the information provided by the NGOs the day before, and asked the Japan government many questions in rapid succession within the time limit of 4 minutes per person, using specific descriptions, data, and examples.

However, the Japan government’s response was nothing more than reading out the relevant parts of the law and repeating the contents of the previous law.

Regarding the ratification of the Selection Protocol, the government replied that it was difficult to give a timeline.

On October 30, the United Nations issued its concluding observations, expressing concerns and recommendations to the Japan government.

Overall, there were many in-depth recommendations to achieve substantive equality as a situation that does not lead to the realization of equality based on the definition of discrimination in the Convention, and the fact that Japan is slow to make progress on gender equality and is left behind by the world has once again highlighted.

The target ratio of women in leadership positions and managerial positions was a 50:50 ratio of men to women.

In addition, as a new recommendation, while commending the active contribution of the Government of Japan to women, peace and security, the committee also mentioned Okinawa’s relationship with U.S. Forces in Japan.

Based on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and related resolutions, it included ensuring the participation of women in relevant processes, including bilateral military negotiations.

The issue of sexual violence by the U.S. military in Okinawa was also mentioned in the field of gender-based violence.

Establishment of the Ministry of Gender Equality, promotion of collaboration with women’s and civil society organizations (especially with regard to the formulation and implementation of the Sixth Basic Plan for Gender Equality), and advocating for corporate investment responsibility (business and human rights) outside of Japan.

In addition, for items that have been recommended many times in 2016 or earlier, items that should be taken more specifically than in the previous survey were described, and prompt action was requested.

With regard to employment and the elimination of the gender wage gap, specific improvements were requested, such as the implementation of equal pay for work of equal value, the expansion of opportunities for regular employment, the expansion of benefits for non-regular workers, and the implementation of convention training for judges.

As follow-up items, Japan was required to report progress within two years on the following four items.

(1) Amendment of the law for elective surnames for married couples (fourth recommendation and the third follow-up item)

(2) Reduction of the deposit of 3 million yen for running for the Diet as a temporary special measure to increase the number of female members of the Diet

(3) Provide adequate access to affordable modern methods of contraception, including emergency contraception. Including the removal of parental consent requirements for girls aged 16 and 17 to access contraceptives.

(4) Amendment of the law to remove the requirement of spousal consent for women seeking abortion (recommended in the previous meeting, the first time for following up)

個人的には、国連の女性差別撤廃委員会がunconscious gender bias (無意識の男女差別、偏見)を根絶する必要性を取り上げた日本の「第5次男女共同参画基本計画」を評価したことに感銘を受けました。
Personally, I was impressed by the positive evaluation of Japan’s Fifth Basic Plan for Gender Equality, which addressed the need to eradicate unconscious gender bias by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

However, they were also concerned about the persistence of patriarchal attitudes and persistent gender stereotypes regarding the roles and responsibilities of women and men, such sexist depictions in parliament, television, the Internet, and social media, and the persistence of gender stereotypes against ethnic minorities and girls.

Despite the fact that under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, 2023, as amended, the duration of a protection order has been extended from six months to one year, women may be repeatedly exposed to violence when the order expires.

I was also reassured by reports of foreign women being reluctant to report sexual violence for fear of revocation of their status of residence, concerns about sexual violence against women by U.S. soldiers stationed at military bases in Okinawa, and the involvement of the United Nations in the details of those domestic affairs.

My mother was a school teacher, and as a family, we witnessed firsthand the difficult working conditions of teachers in Japan, such as long working hours, lack of overtime pay, lack of sleep, and taking home work. I was also surprised that the committee mentioned that the harsh environment for female faculty members is having a negative impact on early retirement. I was impressed that they’ve seen it so far.

In addition, the poverty problem in Japan was stepped on.

Among the OECD member countries, Japan has the highest poverty rate of 15.4%, especially among single mothers and elderly women.

A very large number of women were in precarious employment, and they were at high risk of falling into poverty due to inadequate social safety nets.

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women is the Bill of Rights of Women around the world.

A resolution was adopted urging the government to make efforts to implement the Convention, to incorporate the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, including the prompt ratification of the Optional Protocol, into the Sixth Basic Plan for Gender Equality, and to implement it in good faith.

After that, the politicians seemed to have another meeting, and they all disappeared. I helped cleaning up!

An exchange meeting with people who have been to Geneva this October.

The meeting at the Diet House for welfare will be held tomorrow, and if it wasn’t for a day trip, I would have come. I was pleased to be asked to come the night before next time to prepare for the meeting.

It seems that Ms. Miwa has been promoting my blog (https://seiho-navi.net/241020/), and I was happy to hear a lot of voices.

Everyone had the opportunity to talk to each other one by one, and I was relieved because there was no such interaction in Geneva and there was a sense of tension.

Ms.Chizuko Ueno, professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, who sent a recommendation to Hitomi Miki’s book “Can I receive public assistance?”, presented the book to our office.

Since the content of this book is related to administrative scrivener work and welfare for the disabled, all staff will read it. Thank you very much, Ms.Ueno.

Hitomi Law Office subscribes to TIME, the world’s largest English-language weekly news magazine.

This is the latest issue of December 1, 2024, but when you turn the pages, you won’t find any pictures or current situation in Gaza, where the tragedy of the century, the genocide of the century, is underway.

This trend has been evident since the beginning of this year. The word “war” came into use instead of the word “genocide.”

At this time last year, there were many articles about the devastation in Gaza with photographs, and through TIME, I was able to learn that it was not reported in Japan. Now, there isn’t much information about it.

I sincerely hope that the world’s largest news magazine, which advertises news that is difficult to obtain in Japan from TIME’s unique views and perspectives, will report the world’s information without bias and the reality that unprecedented cruel ethnic genocide is currently underway on the same planet.

In December of last year, I was conflicted about whether I should continue to laugh at Christmas and New Year’s Eve. This year, the conflict is even stronger.

I strongly want to do what I can to ensure that injustice and inequality are abolished not only in Japan but also around the world, and that people’s right to live a normal life as a human being is protected.

After leaving the Diet, I will be forced to walk 2 kilometers from now on. I’m kidding, I’m young, so I can walk about 2 kilometers! I’m going to karaoke in Shimbashi with journalist Yoshiko Miwa!

That bento was so delicious that I thought I’d buy it next time!
It seems to be one of the purveyors of politicians.

I was worried because I couldn’t speak in Switzerland last time, but I’m glad that everyone was very kind.

Some of them were from Osaka, and they said they would see me next time in Osaka! I received a business card.
I couldn’t exchange business cards with a woman from Kobe, but she kindly spoke to me let’s have dinner next time!

Even before I was born, there were some who participated in the UN screening, and the oldest was in her 80s! When I said a few words, I was glad that everyone listened to me.

Miwa-san paid for the lunch box and karaoke. I was going to pay for it, too, but thank you for taking this opportunity!!

AI-beauty me

Let it go~♪

Karaoke was fun!

Ms. Miwa also seems to like karaoke, so it was exciting!

At first, 1 hour? I asked, eh, what about free time? Miwa-san said.

The karaoke video with Yoshiko Miwa will be released on Youtube of the administrative scrivener corporation Hitomi Law Office at a later date, so please take a look!

My song was Miwa-san’s cat’s favorite song, so we sang together!!


I sang in a low voice so that everyone could hear the harmony. Can you hear ♪ me